How to Make the Most of Valentine's Day When You’re Not in a Relationship
Posted by Heather McConnell on 14th Feb 2022
Valentine’s Day is just another box on the calendar. No matter how independent you are, if you are single and don’t necessarily want to be, Valentine’s Day can be a minefield of emotion. However, you can celebrate this holiday in your own way.
Since love is in the air, Valentine’s Day might be the perfect opportunity to enhance your love life. We have a beautiful crystal ritual to help you manifest the exact kind of partner you deserve—and set yourself up for a wonderful day!
To begin, you will need a paper, pencil, and a pair of crystals. The crystals will represent you and your future partner. You can choose any crystals that resonate with you, but we think that these Rose Quartz hearts are a great option!
Now, let’s get started!
- Create a sacred space. If you already have an altar, that’s great, but you can dedicate your dining room table, window ledge, or even your bed. Just make sure your space is clean and free from distractions.
- Place your crystals. Set your two crystals next to each other in your sacred space, and take a few minutes to focus on them.
- Make a list of every partner you’ve ever had. Yes, every partner— even people that you only dated for a short period of time. Go all the way back to high school. Take your time, and make a complete list.
- Make a list of the positive attributes you’d like to see in your next partner. Focus on the crystal representing your future partner, and use the list you just made for ideas. Did you love your high school sweetheart’s sense of humor? Maybe your ex’s passion for helping others inspired you.
- Consider the qualities you don’t want in your next partner. Avoiding the negative is just as important as acquiring the positive. Go back through your list from step one. Did he always put his career first and didn’t have enough time for you? Did she spend too much time with her mother? Did he or she have their friends over every day? Was he a slob? Was she unstable?
- Make a list of how you want your partner to make you feel. Focus on the crystal representing you. Sometimes we get so caught up in the prospect of a romantic relationship that we forget about ourselves. Go beyond “happy” and think about how being with that special person will affect you. Do you want your partner to make you feel safe? Inspired? Cared for? Adventurous? Silly?
- Visualize your future. Read through your lists one more time, and bring your attention back to your two crystals. Allow yourself to sense snippets of the happy, healthy relationship you want: hear your partner’s laugh, feel your smile, and smell the delicious dish you cooked together in your cozy apartment.
- Treat Yourself. When you are finished with the ritual, plan something special for yourself. You can watch your favorite movie, take a soak with a fancy bath bomb, or get together with other single friends for drinks or a game night. You want this activity to elicit the feelings you wrote about in step seven. Not only will the activity make you feel better, but it will also send a powerful message out into the universe!
It can be a little sad to spend Valentine’s Day alone, but it can also be an opportunity to dedicate yourself to finding the love you desire and deserve while celebrating love in all its forms. Strong intentions, high vibration crystals, and a little bit of pampering can go a long way!