Winter Solstice - The Yule Blog
Posted by Heather McConnell on 14th Dec 2020
Is there anything more magical than walking on a cold December night and seeing your neighbors’ lights guiding your path? On the Winter Solstice, which occurs between December 21st and 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point on the horizon. It’s the longest night of the year and the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It sounds grim, but humans have always fought back the darkness with light and love! Winter Solstice traditions can be found all over the world and date back thousands of years. For Christians, the Winter Solstice brings Christmas, the commemoration of the birth of Jesus. The Jewish lunar calendar places the Festival of Lights, Chanukkah, which honors a community that banded together to conquer insurmountable odds, in December. Wiccans and Pagans celebrate Yule on the Winter Solstice. This sabbat’s name has its roots in the Norse myth of Frigg, Goddess of Marriage and Fertility, giving birth to the Sun, but it encompasses a wide variety of ancient beliefs and traditions. In modern times, the festival of Kwanzaa has joined the pantheon of winter holidays, celebrating African-American heritage and values.
Whether you mark the Winter Solstice with a holiday or not, this season carries a special enchantment and significance that is deeply rooted in humanity’s shared history. Winter Solstice traditions first developed out of necessity. Today, we don’t need to worry about stocking up for winter; all of our basic needs can be met with a simple trip to the store. However, for our ancestors, it was a difference story. They spent all fall gathering enough food to make sure that they wouldn’t go hungry when the world froze. Feasting around the Winter Solstice signified a “last hurrah” before the lean times ahead. The tradition of gift-giving is all about survival: making offerings to deities and sharing supplies with those in need. The modern link between the Winter Solstice and peace and goodwill has its roots in communities coming together and putting aside differences to make sure that everyone made it through the harsh winter. To combat the darkness, our ancestors burned fires and lit candles. They brought the brilliant emerald and crimson hues of the only living plants, evergreens and winter berries, into their homes. The colors that are omnipresent throughout the holiday season are no accident, either. Red and green both symbolize prosperity, successfully stockpiling enough provisions to outlast the cold. Green also carries Earth’s nurturing energy, fostering the community and calm that support you through the winter months and reminding you that spring will arrive in due time. Red imparts vitality and love to keep you warm, both physically and emotionally. Gold is the light in the darkness and a symbol of hope. White and blue represent the winter weather; they have the silent, introspective glow of freshly fallen snow.
The Winter Solstice is the longest and darkest night of the year, but afterward, the nights get incrementally shorter. It is both the start of winter and the beginning of the slow journey back to spring. For our ancestors, this season wasn’t just about survival. It was also about reflection and renewal: a time for introspection, holding loved ones close, and looking forward to the future. Modern holiday traditions still celebrate these ancient values. Ultimately, the Winter Solstice showcases the courage and determination of the human spirit, which perseveres and transforms the darkest moments into the brightest ones. This season is a time of love and infinite possibility, and we can use crystals to amplify this energy and keep it with us all year round. Here are some of our favorites:
Citrine glows bright like a candle’s flame or a star on top of a Christmas tree. This crystal radiates joy, and it draws prosperity to you. Citrine complements your celebrations, infusing them with the extra happiness to make them merry and bright. It also attracts abundance, making sure that you have whatever you need to weather winter’s challenges.
Dolomite is a stone of service. It embodies the spirit of communal support that aided our ancestors in the cold months. Work with Dolomite around the holidays to bring out your kindest, most generous side. Just a little bit of your help can make a huge difference to someone in need.
Radiant, red Garnet resembles the holly berry, and it has been a part of Winter Solstice traditions for centuries. This crystal vibrates love and vitality, making it the perfect tool to bring warmth to your heart and your home. Gift Garnet jewelry to show someone how much you care, or place it in the center of a room to boost its energy.
Jade’s lovely green hue matches the pine branches that many of us still bring into our homes at the Winter Solstice. This stone activates your Heart Chakra to bring your community closer together. It encourages harmony and reminds you what’s really important in life. Jade also increases your luck and drive to attract abundance. With this crystal, you don’t need Santa to make all of your wishes come true!
Ruby’s powerful vibrations envelop you in a cocoon of warm, nurturing energy. Ruby will shield your loved ones during winter storms, while also welcoming prosperity. With this crystal you won’t just survive; you will thrive! Use Ruby when making your New Year’s resolutions to manifest success in the months to come.
Snowflake Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian physically embodies the light in the darkness: delicate white spots against a black background. This introspective stone will help you take stock of your emotions so that you can hold the things that nourish you closer and release the toxic people, habits, and situations that no longer serve you. Snowflake Obsidian helps you move forward, and it gives you comfort in the cold, especially if the holidays are a difficult time for you.
Turquoise’s unique color represents the changing of the seasons and the renewal that comes with it: the blue of winter’s ice melting into the lush green buds of spring. This crystal cultivates empathy to bring your community closer together. Whether you want to engage in volunteer work, check in on old friends, or reconnect with your family, Turquoise will support you. This stone also imparts deep, spiritual wisdom to nurture your soul as you reflect on the past year. Turquoise embodies the hope and renewal of the Winter Solstice season, fully preparing you to accept your bright, beautiful future.
2020 has been a difficult year. We encourage you to delve deep into the traditions of the Winter Solstice to find the joy and renewal you need. Even when the night is darkest, light is just around the corner. Everyone at the My Dream Crystals staff wishes you a very happy holiday season and an even better new year!